School Parent Partnership at ISKL

The HoS & Parents in Partnership Program is a guiding compass, a pillar proven to be instrumental in shaping ISKL’s future identity as a forward-thinking international school.
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ISKL hosts a series of parenting workshops and events throughout the calendar year that showcases a range of topical and fundamental areas of education and well-being with an eye on the future. They are aimed at supporting and strengthening the partnership and commitment of students with educators and parents.


HoS Parent In Partnership ProgramThe HoS & Parents in Partnership Program

Mr. Rami Madani has been leading ISKL as Head of School (HoS) since 2018.  With over 25 years of experience in the international educational system throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe, he welcomes interaction with the diversity of ISKL community members. On a monthly basis, informal ‘Conversations with the Head of School’ are organized to chat, share ideas and unite as parents and educators.

The HoS & Parents in Partnership Program sits alongside these ‘conversations’ to share the programs, learning, and competencies of ISKL as well as hear the collective voice of our entire ISKL community including students, parents, board members, faculty, and staff. This partnership program is a guiding compass, a pillar proven to be instrumental in shaping ISKL’s future identity as a forward-thinking international school. Parent feedback is used to evaluate the progress in identifying and strengthening areas for improvement to ultimately achieve both the school’s vision and mission.

ISKL VOX – The Art Of Courageous Conversations 

The impact of an ever-changing world on individual emotional and physical stress levels is never underestimated at ISKL. The school is invested in their community and uses ISKL VOX to encourage courageous conversations with ease and diplomacy to offer an understanding approach to society values and cultural issues. By offering workshops and seminars with key inspirational speakers, ISKL VOX enables individuals to immerse themselves and become socially aware of the impact of an ever-evolving world.  Their overall ethos is to ‘Inspire, Ignite and Inform’.


Parent-Teacher Interaction 

Parental interest is encouraged throughout all grades throughout ISKL to strengthen the home/school connection.  It naturally reinforces support and involvement pathways in a student’s educational journey that builds upon communication between parents and children.  Parent/teacher conferences give the opportunity to meet and discuss progress, meeting standards, benchmark and grade level expectations as well as future educational milestones.  Often students are present to share their portfolio of learning on what, how and where their ‘learning outcome’ was achieved.  These enable discussions to unfold surrounding transition processes throughout the school grades and campuses (i.e. from Elementary to Middle, Middle to High School and beyond).

PTA Hi-Tea EventPTA

ISKL actively encourages parents to participate within the school community on all levels. Our PTA team leaders are involved in supporting this far-reaching audience through a series of annual events, activities, and happenings. They meet regularly to unite and discuss the organization of future events using the highlights and experiences of past happenings to guide their endeavors.  PTA roles are often available for those parents wishing to become involved in this rewarding community initiative.

Parent-To-Parent Interaction

Another integral element of the home/school connection is social interaction with and between other parents.  ISKL supports and encourages these on an informal and formal level, extending beyond the realms of the campus.  Friendships are made, interests are shared and good times are had

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Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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