SELAMAT DATANG – Welcome to the new school year

happy students and parentsFirstly, a very big welcome to each of you. Our wonderful ISKL community has grown considerably and we start this year with a record-high enrollment of 1,758 students and 400 faculty and staff.  It is a joy to once again see our campus filled with the smiling faces of returning students, faculty and staff and we look forward to getting to know each of all the new students, faculty and staff who have joined our very special community.

We commence our new academic year united as a community in our shared goal of creating a safe and caring learning environment that supports and appropriately challenges every one of our students. An ISKL education is intentionally designed to meet the 21st-century learning needs of our students and develop confident young people who are self-directed in their learning, and successful in managing the complexities of our evolving world.  At ISKL education is not “done” to our students but with them.

An important element in our collaborative approach is the premise that every student should feel safe, happy, and secure here at ISKL. Our school environment, culture, and holistic approach to health, safety, and wellbeing are integral to supporting and safeguarding the students in our care, as well as the faculty and staff who work at our school. From on-campus security protocols through to our comprehensive health management system, a curriculum which teaches wellness skills, and responsive systems which monitor stress and workloads, we have comprehensive programs and procedures in place to ensure best practice in this important area. You can find key information about the above, and regarding student health and safety on the Parent Portal. I encourage each of you to read and explore these documents which guide our school.

ISKL’s culture of empathy and care differentiates our school and forms the foundation for all that we do.  This positive, caring and collaborative culture was evident from the very first moment I first stepped on campus more than 10 years ago and I hope each of you experiences this same feeling of belonging as we start ISKL 2019-2020.

Yours in learning and collaboration,

Rami Madani
Head of School

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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