HoS News April 7, 2023

Rami-Portrait-Sml-9“Being curious and asking questions about the world is really important. It’s important to be curious otherwise how will you learn new things? It helps you understand the world better”. This was the perceptive response of Elementary student Nidhi when asked about what is important for adults to know in a video compilation of ES student insights shown at our In-Service afternoon earlier this week (April 4).

While our role as educators is to provide students with the right conditions to foster curiosity and learning, including a nurturing and safe environment, intentional experiences, and a richness of opportunities, it is equally important that we nurture our own curiosity and learning as a professional community. Our In-Service days are scheduled each year to provide a forum for us to do this and help ensure our focus is always on how we can continually enhance our student’s learning experience and how we can best model the behavior, attitudes, and values that we want to see in each other and our students.

Nidhi’s response along with that of Elementary School peers helped frame our thinking at this week’s In-Service as we explored key elements of our Strategic Plan including DEIJ, service, and sustainability through the lens of our students. Faculty and staff also heard from Hannah (Grade 8) and Carmen (Grade 11), who gave a compelling mini-ignite presentation about their learning journey here at ISKL and their hopes for the future.

We use ignite presentations (short, high-impact presentations) as a mechanism to explore the world from another’s perspective, challenge thinking, and help foster our culture of care and empathy. Typically they are given by faculty and staff, and so it was particularly wonderful to hear from student ignite speakers, to better understand their viewpoints, and have the opportunity to see the world through their lens.

Our commitment to fostering curiosity and learning extends well beyond our campus into the wider community and after a Covid-related break we were delighted to restart our in-person UNHCR/ISKL Teacher Training Partnership last weekend (April 1). Initiated by ISKL more than seven years ago, the program provides training to teachers working in refugee learning centers, many of whom are refugees themselves and do not have formal teacher training. Almost 140 teachers joined us for the session with some traveling from as far afield as Johor and Penang.

It is another wonderful example of our long-term community partnerships in action with our teachers sharing their knowledge, expertise, and time to help upskill and support colleagues in the wider community. It speaks to our culture of learning that is inclusive, intentional, and accessible to all.

In partnership,

Rami Signature

Rami Madani
Head of School

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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