Hos News August 25, 2023

We often talk about our inclusive and dynamic community – it underpins our school’s Mission and is an important component in making our school such a unique and special place. Last Saturday’s Back to School Bash (BTSB) and this week’s Open House typify the strength of our amazing community and the deep engagement of our families in learning and school life.

BTSB is one of many ISKL traditions that fosters connections and community spirit and we are truly grateful to BTSB Committee Chair and the team for making the day such a fun experience for everyone. We know that many long hours went into making the day such a success and it is very much appreciated. It was fantastic to see so many families enjoying the event and to have the opportunity to catch up with many familiar faces and get to know some of our new Panthers. It gave me great joy to talk with new parents and hear how well their children had settled into school and the friendly welcome their family had experienced.

MerdekaYou are also likely to have often heard us talk about how the engagement of our parents is fundamental to building a strong school-parent partnership and how in turn this has been proven to support student learning. The high attendance rates at our divisional Open House sessions this week were a testament to the strength of our partnership and the high level of engagement of parents in their child/ren’s learning journey. It was wonderful to see our campus buzzing with energy each evening and we hope that the opportunity to connect with your child/ren’s teachers, see their learning spaces, and hear about their learning objectives gave parents a deeper insight into the year ahead and the caring culture that supports their children.

We have another opportunity to connect as a community at next week’s Open Board meeting. I encourage all parents to come along to hear updates from ISKL and our Board Committees and learn more about how our school is governed. Our volunteer Board members are representative of our diverse community and we are extremely appreciative of the expertise, insights, and time they offer our school. As research shows, Board longevity is important for the school’s continued success. Our Board members’ historic and institutional knowledge has helped them to continue to make wise and sustainable decisions for our school.

A reminder that next Thursday (August 31) is a public holiday in honor of National Day to celebrate the 66th anniversary of Malaysia’s independence. There will therefore be no school. I wish everyone Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan yang ke 66 in advance!

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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