HoS News February 23, 2023

Rami's welcome speechISKL is a very special place and it is with great pride and joy that we see our students demonstrate their learning, passions, and competencies both in an out of the classroom each day. More than 90 prospective families experienced this for themselves when they attended our Open Day earlier this week (February 22).

Using the occasion as a learning opportunity, our Cooking with Purpose students put the catering skills they have learned as part of the curriculum into practice by budgeting, planning, and making canapes for the 120-plus attendees to enjoy, MS Strings entertained the audience with a magical musical performance, our Admissions student representatives (STARS) put their public speaking skills into action and spoke about learning at ISKL and conducted campus tours, and our ES Red Hats and MS Peer Helpers practiced their leadership and communication skills as they welcomed families and helped with feedback forms. Our students were amazing and I was so impressed with the way they demonstrated their learning and embodied what an ISKL education truly looks like.

In addition to highlighting how our students are at the center of all we do, the event was also a testament to our inclusive and dynamic community. With families from a diverse range of nationalities visiting our school, it was wonderful to have our Parent Ambassadors sharing their perspectives as parents and talking about their personal experiences of our inclusive school culture. Our thanks to the many parents who supported us and shared the Panther spirit! The feedback was overwhelmingly positive – from students excited to try out their skills in a real-life situation to prospective families impressed by everything from the high level of engagement of students and parents to the expertise of our administrators, faculty, and staff who were on hand to answer questions about the curriculum, learning, and school life.

Another wonderful example of our community sharing the Panther spirit that makes our school so unique was last Saturday’s (February 18) PTA-organized Quiz Night. The Melawati Theatre was packed with almost 200 parents, faculty, and staff in amazingly creative costumes answering equally creative questions! Many thanks to our PTA Quiz Night Committee for hosting this fun annual tradition. We are all looking forward to the next PTA-organized event, ISKL Celebrates on March 11!


In partnership,

Rami Signature

Rami Madani
Head of School

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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