HoS News March 17, 2023

There are a great many factors that contribute to ISKL’s dynamic and inclusive community from our collective belief in our Vision, Mission, and Values to the willingness of our community to give so freely of themselves in support of our students and school. This spirit of giving is part of our culture and takes many different forms, time, knowledge, care, and kindness to name just a few. We see it every day here at ISKL, from the passionate support for the causes we believe in, the knowledge we share, and the time and energy dedicated to school events and celebrations. We are so grateful for all that each member of our community gives of themselves.

The PTA Celebrates Committee truly embodies this spirit. Many, many long hours were spent ensuring the success of the Celebrates Gala last Saturday (March 11) and we give our heartfelt thanks to our amazing Celebrates Committee members for making it such a special night. It was a joy to catch up with so many familiar faces in person, meet some of our new parents and see our community united by its passion for our school.

Our congratulations to all those who were successful in their pre-event and silent auction bids and our thanks to those who donated auction items. Celebrates was the PTA’s last fundraiser for this academic year, and will contribute to ISKL Inspire – our dedicated fund established to enable community members to collaboratively give back to ISKL for the benefit of current and future students. The projects funded by ISKL Inspire are curated to complement our curriculum and include new programs, visiting artists, coaches, and experts, as well as enhancing student learning environments.

Providing our students with remarkable learning experiences is integral to all we do, and we are delighted to share that ISKL parents Vasily and Beatriz Pasetchnik have generously sponsored a visit by classical pianist Irina Krasotina in May. Ms. Krasotina, a Professor at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, will be conducting music masterclasses for our Middle and High School students and working closely with ISKL’s music department during her visit. In addition, she will be performing two concerts for our community on May 3 and 9 in the Robert B. Gaw Theatre. Proceeds from both concerts will go towards ISKL Inspire and we thank Vasily and Beatriz for their generosity and for sharing their love of music with our students and community.

Another example of the spirit of giving took place yesterday (March 16) with Middle School choirs sharing their love of music with us at our annual Pop With Purpose. Each year, our singers use their voices and passion for music to raise money for important causes. All proceeds from this year’s concert will go to SHE Rescue Home, an organization that supports victims of Human Trafficking. Congratulations also to the Middle School Youth Orchestra who took us on a ‘Symphonic Odyssey’ (March 14). The performances of both our choir and orchestra were a wonderful celebration of the joy music brings to our lives. It was so inspiring to see the passion and courage of our students on stage. I was also impressed by the supportive audience. Thanks to our teachers and staff who led them on this wonderful journey.

I wish everyone a happy and relaxing mid-Semester break. We look forward to seeing you on Monday, March 27.

In partnership,

Rami Signature

Rami Madani
Head of School

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    On Campus Learning from November 8
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