Our Planet and The Positive Power of Education 

With the topic of climate change constantly in the headlines, frequent extreme weather events, and global temperatures reaching record levels it is easy to feel pessimistic about the future of our planet. Yet, at the same time as we see images of endless hectares of fire ravaged bushland in Australia, we are also blessed to see photographs of “green shoots of hope” which show plants and trees finding a way to spring back to life amidst the burnt landscape. These images are a very powerful reminder of the importance of optimism and I like to think that ISKL is filled with over 1,800 such shoots of hope – our students.

planting project at ISKLstudent planting project at ISKLAt ISKL we believe deeply in the importance of our role in nurturing our students’ awareness and understanding of the challenges facing our world – not only in relation to sustainability but in matters affecting us all both locally and globally. Our goal is for students to develop the knowledge and skills needed to change our world and make it a better place. This is something we encourage and practice school-wide, from our youngest learners to Grade 12. We do this through service learning and environmental awareness programs in our teaching and learning, and our broad range of activities and initiatives focused on service and sustainability. Skills are developed and practiced daily both in and out of the classroom with students learning to investigate issues, understand the perspective of others, and ultimately translate their ideas and findings into action. We want our students to not only know that they can make a difference, but to know how to make a difference.

These attitudes and skills are not just to be put into action during their school years, but throughout their lives. Educated youth make wise choices and work hard to improve conditions for everyone. Although we have a major task ahead of us to stop and reverse the damage caused by climate change, I have a deep belief in the positive impact of education on people and the planet and I am optimistic that throughout their lives our students will affect positive change, and ultimately shape a better future for everyone.

Please know that I hold the same mindset about affecting positive change here at ISKL. I am committed to understanding different perspectives, and to ongoing collaboration with our community. As we start our new semester I will be holding a “Conversation with HoS” from 9:00 am -10:00 am on Wednesday, January 29 in MPR 2&3. All are welcome to come along for an optional and informal chat, and to share ideas and questions as a community. In the meantime, my door is always open, and your suggestions are always welcome.

I wish you all a very happy Chinese New Year. Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Yours in collaboration and learning,

Rami Madani
Head of School

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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