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ISAC Climbing Competition

ISKL hosted the first ever ISAC Climbing Competition on Friday, November 24, 2017. Michael Bollom, event organizer, IB teaching faculty, and Department Head, commented on the activity saying, “Students busted laudable moves during the competition, and there was lots of excitement as climbers tried to rack up the most points possible in 120 minutes.”
Hosting events such as the ISAC Climbing Competition is one more way we challenge students to expand their horizons and develop their talents. 

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4th Annual Slam Poetry Festival (SNaPs)

The ISKL Slam Poetry team participated in the 4th Annual Slam Poetry Festival (SNaPs) at Sunway International School. Along with nine other international schools from around the nation (over 50 presenters in all), we went head-to-head with young, inspiring poets. We were confident our bards had written pieces that would both challenge the intellect and otherwise delight the listeners – apparently, the poets made the right choices.

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ISKL’S Collaboration with Local School/Ministry of Education Malaysia

Since last school year, with the request from PEMANDU, ISKL has been collaborating with the Ministry of Education Malaysia to work with teachers from several public schools in the KL district by implementing the Dual Language Program (DLP). This year, the first session began on November 9, 2017, with a cohort of 24 teachers participating from eight different public schools at both the Ampang and Melawati Campuses.

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Grade 1 Students Showcase Personal Narrative Writing in New Gallery

At ISKL’s Melawati Campus, for the very first time, our entire Melawati staff was recently invited to join in all the buzz and learning that is happening in Grade 1. Students felt happy to be recognized and proud of the strong sense of community surrounding their gallery. Students and teachers alike are grateful for all these people, our cleaners, our maintenance team, and other behind the scenes community members that came to offer their support and good cheer to our inspiring young authors.

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ISKL Students Earn Recognition as Most Supportive School at SPCA Media Event.

On Saturday, September 30 at the Selangor branch of Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), ISKL Middle School and High School students were recognized for their contribution with the Most Supportive School award.
The event, which took place in conjunction with World Animal Day, was attended by the Duli Yang Maha Mulia, Tengku Permaisuri Selangor, Tengku Permaisuri Norashikin who presented ISKL Middle School and High School with certificates of appreciation.

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Grade 5 Social Change Maker’s Conference

Over the course of two days, Grade 5 students attended thirteen-20 minute presentations, being inspired as speakers shared personal stories, passions, and experiences, helping students gain an understanding that “ordinary” people can make a positive difference in the world. Change begins with identifying social issues and areas of need in the local community. Students were introduced to a variety of social issues and areas of need in the local community. They were then asked to reflect upon how, as responsible citizens, they might be able to make a positive change.

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Visiting Artist – Mr. Oscar Olivares

On Wednesday, September 20, 2017, the Middle and High School Art Departments had the pleasure of hosting Mr. Oscar Olivares, a young painting and illustration artist from Venezuela. Mr. Olivares shared with our students how he was inspired to create art through the events happening in his home country, and how as an artist, he had the choice to pursue hope in his artworks while there might be turmoil around him. Mr. Olivares also spoke to our students about how he pursued his dream of being an artist even though he faced obstacles, and he kept on drawing and creating art – which was very inspiring to our students.

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Top Scores Highlight ISKL’s IB and AP Results

The sheer volume of IB students scoring so high is a testament to ISKL’s program which enjoys the distinction of the longest running IB Diploma program in Malaysia. Since 1991, ISKL has supported more than 1,000 students to achieve the IB Diploma. ISKL is also the first international school, and the only one in Kuala Lumpur, offering Advanced Placement (AP) university preparatory courses. For ISKL students who chose to pursue the full IB Diploma, and for those who wish to take IB and or AP courses as part of their study, the rigor and focus can advance their prospects of acceptance to world class universities.

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ISKL Announces Partnership with Dutch School, De Bontekoe

ISKL Announces Partnership with Dutch School, De Bontekoe

Beginning in September 2017 ISKL will be offering Dutch language and cultural classes on its campuses. This new program at ISKL will begin with two after school class offerings, one for the first year of secondary (VO1) and one as a combination of the second and third year of secondary (VO 2-3). The classes will be taught by Annemieke van Vliet and Hans Hardeman, De Bontekoe Director in Kuala Lumpur.

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ISKL Senior Award Ceremony

Senior Award Ceremony

The 2017 ISKL Senior Award Ceremony recognized students who have demonstrated excellence, dedication, and passion for academics, sports, visual and performing arts, or community service. A true testament to all that ISKL believes in. Well done to all the awards recipients.

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Novel knockout at Iskl

Novel Knockout

Novel Knockout is an annual event organised by The Kuala Lumpur Librarian Network (KLLN) which was proudly hosted by ISKL in 2017. Students across 11 schools read eight books and were quizzed on details – short answers on paper and multiple choice on the iPad – for a total of 160 questions per round!

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Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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